When you are expecting a baby, its all about the baby, it never seems to be about you what you need just what the baby needs. Have We got the right Cot? the right clothes, have we got the heating at the right temperature ? do we have enough nappies? the list is endless. I can remember thinking the one thing I needed to be was super organised I had a 6 month old and was expecting twins and kind of wondered,(slightly panicked) about how I was going to get around with everything I needed when venturing out with three babies, I mean I didn't have a hand free for anything! I had bottles, milk and water, nappies, snacks, Spare clothes, changing mat, wipes so much I had visions of carrying a small wheeled suitcase everywhere I went Then some really great friends of mine bought me an OiOi bag as a leaving present from work. I had researched them and I think my friends were so fed up of me going on about how great they are bought me one to shut me up. WOW, The best present a expectant parent could wish for, and saved my life in terms of where do you put everything when venturing out Let me tell you, firstly, the thing that struck me the most it was stylish, it didn’t have anything on the outside that screamed baby, no little elephant motive no blue or pink ,it was black and white and could have easily passed for an extremely stylish handbag. Then you opened it and Inside it was like an Aladdin's cave, changing mat, compartments for everything, bottle holder, keyring, slot for mobile phone and heaps of room. I was in heaven. This was 20 years ago and having researched them again I am happy to say we now stock them at Martha & Marmalade and I am so delighted that nothing has changed . These are the same stylish bags, the same huge compartments, gorgeous designs and nothing screams baby. This is a bag for you a bag that helps you, a bag that keeps everything in its place and makes sure there are no panic’s ,its a dream bag and I cant recommend them highly enough. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better they now leave your hands completely free as OiOi have developed a backpack. So take a look at the range we have and I am sure there is something for everyone, we will be expanding in the coming weeks .So if you are still considering, pop back and have a look and in the meantime have a look at the video I am sure it will convince you !